If you would rather watch the guide than read, checkout the video above from the Official Gamer Ability YouTube Channel. All the correct dialogue options are shown in this full video guide
Judy Alvarez really needs no introduction for many gamers. She has easily become my favorite character in Cyberpunk 2077. From her incredible accent, charming personality, and beautiful looks, every scene with Judy is a memorable moment. Judy is Night City’s premier braindance technician and you will meet her during a main quest in the prologue. She is a romantic option in Cyberpunk 2077, and you must make all the right decisions in order to start a romantic relationship with Judy. It is easy to mess up along the path, but I am here to provide you with a full guide to win over Judy’s heart! Keep in mind this will include spoilers of the relationship with Judy.

- The Most Important Step
- The most important step in having an opportunity to have a romantic relationship with Judy begins in the character creator. Judy is only interested in having a romantic relationship with characters with a female body type and voice. Therefore, gamers will have to create a female character in order to have a romantic relationship with Judy. Also, keep in mind you are not able to change this at any point in the game. So, choose wisely!
- If you ended up already choosing the male body type, do not worry, you still have a great female character romantic option. Panam Palmer is the female romance option for male body type characters, and she is my second favorite character in the game (second to Judy of Course). You cannot form a romantic relationship with Panam as a female character, she will turn you down multiple times, trust me I tried. Same goes for Judy if you are trying to win her heart over as a male character. You will still have the romance dialogue options, but she will turn you down every time and cause you to go back to your apartment and cry all night long.
- You will first meet Judy Alvarez at Lizzie’s Bar in Watson during the prologue, but you will not see her very much till Act II. Before Act II, whenever you have the opportunity to talk to Judy whether on the phone or in person, be sure to always be nice to her. I mean how could you ever be mean to such a perfect lady.
Automatic Love Main Quest
- In the main Quest “Automatic Love”, you will help Judy track down Evelyn Parker. Judy will ask you in a conversation to call her back when you find out about the whereabouts of Evelyn. In order to continue on towards a romantic relationship with Judy, gamers must choose to call her whenever prompted on screen as an optional task in the HUD. Please for the love of Judy, do not forget to call her back.
The Space In Between, Disasterpiece, and Double Life
- Step three will then trigger the following missions in the order of appearance, “The Space In Between,” “Disasterpiece,” and “Double Life.” It is important in all these quests to always side with Judy, be kind to Judy, and always help her out. Just let Judy boss you around and do everything she says, you will not regret it.
Both Sides, Now Side Job:
- After the “Double Life” Quest, wait 24 hours and Judy will call you. She will ask for help and when you say you will help, this will start the quest “Both Sides, Now”. There are really no specific dialogue choices that are important here, but as always side with Judy.
Ex-Factor Side Job:
- A few days after completing “Both Sides, Now” you will receive a text message from Judy called “EV’s Send Off” reply to the message than wait many hours and Judy will call asking for your help. Say “Yeah, I’ll Help” to start the mission “Ex-Factor.” There are really no specific dialogue choices that are important here, but as always side with Judy. Near the end of this mission, Judy will ask “what about Woodman.” Choose the dialogue option that you want to eliminate Woodman. This will only happen if you did not eliminate Woodman earlier in the game.
Talkin Bout A Revolution Side Job:
- After completing the previous quest, either wait a few days or just let the game progress naturally. Judy will eventually send you a message. Wait 24 hours after addressing the message, and Judy will call with another quest called “Talkin Bout A Revolution.” This will take you to Judy’s Apartment. After sparring with Tom, the others people leave the apartment and the important dialogue begins.
- The next dialogue when at Judy’s Apartment is very important. Judy will offer to pay for your help. You must make sure you choose the options “Out of the Question” > “Forget about it. It’s passed” > [Lean] Sure, Thanks.” These options will lead you to stay the night on Judy’s couch, and she will leave you breakfast on the kitchen counter in the morning. What a sweetheart!
Pisces Side Job:
- A few days later, Judy will send you another text message, reply to the text and then wait 24 hours. She will then call and this will start the most important side job “Pisces.”
- In this mission, the big dialogue choices and game decisions start when you get up to the Penthouse. You must make the following choices if you want a romantic relationship with Judy (Do not accept Maiko’s plan or payment at any point):
- When you reach the penthouse where the gang bosses are sitting, pick the following dialogues: “Let’s do this” –> “Who are the other two?” –> “Do my best. Jack ’em out” –> “Hold on, think you’ve gone too far” –> “[Draw Weapon]” –> kill the gang bosses –> “What?” –> “You tried to cheat us all” –> Kill Maiko.
- Not following Maiko’s plan and not siding with maiko is vital to having a romantic relationship with Judy, not eliminating Maiko. When I played prior to the recent 1.05 patch on PC, whenever I did not kill Maiko, I was never given a Romantic option with Judy. However, since patch 1.05, I no longer have to kill Maiko. In my testing, in 100% of the cases in which I eliminate Maiko the “Pyramid Song” mission is triggered, but it is hit or miss when I do not eliminate Maiko.
- Once you finish the mission, if you eliminated Maiko, when talking to Judy you can choose either “I’m Sorry” or “Wasn’t my fault,” either choice lead me into a romantic relationship. It will seem like Judy is upset with you, but she does not stay mad.
- In this mission, the big dialogue choices and game decisions start when you get up to the Penthouse. You must make the following choices if you want a romantic relationship with Judy (Do not accept Maiko’s plan or payment at any point):
Pyramid Song Side Job:
- After a few days or up to a week of progressing time or completing missions, Judy will call you and V’s eyes will light up. This will trigger the quest “Pyramid Song.” As always, choose the kind and romantic choices during the call.
- Head to the mission marker to start your first date with Judy, which is a romantic underwater adventure. Make sure you choose the dialogue option “I’m In.”
- Once the underwater adventure is finished, she will ask you to stay the night. You must accept Judy’s invite to stay the night. The dialogue option to choose is “[Stand] Why Not.” Please for the love of Judy do not say “bad Idea”, this will lead to no option for a romantic relationship.
- Follow Judy inside and she will make you coffee as you turn on generator. When you come back inside find Judy in the bathroom. Choose the following dialogue options:
- [Knock] Did you say something?” > [sit] were still synced” > ”[touch] it is ours.” This will trigger a romantic night with Judy.
- When you wake up the next morning, head to the dock and talk to Judy. Judy will ask you what last night meant to you, and you have to choose the option “The beginning of something amazing” to start a real relationship with Judy. She will then give you access to her apartment and you will live happily ever after, hopefully. Play through the main story quest to find out where the relationship leads.
You now know exactly what decisions to make to form a romantic relationship with Judy Alvarez in Cyberpunk 2077.